The Kinesiologist’s role

The Kinesiologist’s role

The Kinesiologist’s role A kinesiologist is a health care professional whose goal is to prevent and treat injuries while optimizing performance through physical activity. The first part of an initial kinesiology assessment is devoted to getting to know the...
New association: Western Patriotes Football

New association: Western Patriotes Football

New association: Western Patriotes Football SHARED PASSIONS Cappino Physiotherapy and Wellness Center regularly collaborates with various associations and sports teams for whom health is the one of their main priorities. We would like to introduce you to our newest...
Healthy Eating Habits this Spring

Healthy Eating Habits this Spring

Spring is here. A time for new beginnings, where many individuals try to improve their nutrition by eating better. This can be a daunting and overwhelming task, but with some organization and planning you can achieve your new goals. Here are some tips to help you get...
2022 Resolutions to embrace

2022 Resolutions to embrace

The new year is upon us! Have you thought of a Resolution? I’ve heard many pledge to lose weight, change their body shape, exercise harder and eliminate certain food. Unfortunately, this can create a negative mindset because if these resolutions are not...
Healthy Eating for Happy Holidays

Healthy Eating for Happy Holidays

For many, the holidays make it difficult to stick with eating and exercise routines, but it doesn’t mean all your hard work should be tossed out the window. All it takes is a little planning. Think ahead. Most of us have been following the same Holiday...